SVA MFACA Thesis Project
“Steelheaven” is a collaborative, 9-minute, 3D-animated short film, powered by Unreal Engine 5. The story is based on a robot fighting against her destiny, trying to escape from her society, ending with a paradox: will her life be saved by sacrificing it?
The film depicts how robots, including the main character who is assigned the honorable position of Robot King but is ultimately sacrificial, are constrained by societal expectations, but as the bond between the Robot King and a child deepens, they begin to challenge the status quo and think for themselves, while the villain's actions highlight the pressure and influence of society.
By fighting against conformity, this film invites viewers to question their own assumptions and embrace the power of independent thought. Overall, my thesis film is a testament to the human spirit and our capacity to rise above the constraints of society. It's a story of challenging oneself, and the power of individuality to transform our lives and our world.